
SCPI Commands

class Maximum[source]

Maximum commands group definition. 2 total commands, 0 Sub-groups, 2 group commands

calculate(acpMinus=<AcpMinus.Default: -1>)List[RsCmwCdma2kMeas.enums.ResultStatus2][source]
# SCPI: CALCulate:CDMA:MEASurement<Instance>:MEValuation:LIST:ACP:ACPM<freqpoint>:MAXimum
value: List[enums.ResultStatus2] = driver.multiEval.listPy.acp.acpm.maximum.calculate(acpMinus = repcap.AcpMinus.Default)

Returns adjacent channel power (statistical) values for the selected off-center channels and all active list mode segments. The mnemonic ACPM refers to the channels in the ‘minus’ direction, the mnemonic ACPP to the channels in the ‘plus’ direction relative to the current channel. The offset is selected with the <freqpoint> suffix (±10 channels) . The values described below are returned by FETCh commands. CALCulate commands return limit check results instead, one value for each result listed below.

Use RsCmwCdma2kMeas.reliability.last_value to read the updated reliability indicator.

param acpMinus

optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Ch1 (settable in the interface ‘Acpm’)


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fetch(acpMinus=<AcpMinus.Default: -1>)List[float][source]
# SCPI: FETCh:CDMA:MEASurement<Instance>:MEValuation:LIST:ACP:ACPM<freqpoint>:MAXimum
value: List[float] = driver.multiEval.listPy.acp.acpm.maximum.fetch(acpMinus = repcap.AcpMinus.Default)

Returns adjacent channel power (statistical) values for the selected off-center channels and all active list mode segments. The mnemonic ACPM refers to the channels in the ‘minus’ direction, the mnemonic ACPP to the channels in the ‘plus’ direction relative to the current channel. The offset is selected with the <freqpoint> suffix (±10 channels) . The values described below are returned by FETCh commands. CALCulate commands return limit check results instead, one value for each result listed below.

Use RsCmwCdma2kMeas.reliability.last_value to read the updated reliability indicator.

param acpMinus

optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Ch1 (settable in the interface ‘Acpm’)


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