
SCPI Commands

class Configure[source]

Configure commands group definition. 70 total commands, 3 Sub-groups, 2 group commands

# SCPI: CONFigure:CDMA:MEASurement<Instance>:DISPlay
value: enums.Tab = driver.configure.get_display()

Selects the view to be shown when the display is switched on during remote control.


tab: MEVA | OLTR Multi-evaluation - overview, OLTR view

# SCPI: CONFigure:CDMA:MEASurement<Instance>:RCONfig
value: enums.Rconfig = driver.configure.get_rconfig()
Selects the radio configuration which determines, for example, the modulation type.

INTRO_CMD_HELP: For the combined signal path scenario, use:

  • CONFigure:CDMA:SIGN<i>:PREConfigure:LAYer:RCONfig during no active call CONFigure:CDMA:SIGN<i>:LAYer:RCONfig during call established

  • CONFigure:CDMA:SIGN<i>:LAYer:MODulation


rconfig: R12Q | R36H | R3Q R12Q: RC1 or 2 (O-QPSK) R36H: RC3 to 6 (H-PSK) R3Q: RC3 (QPSK)

set_display(tab: RsCmwCdma2kMeas.enums.Tab)None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:CDMA:MEASurement<Instance>:DISPlay
driver.configure.set_display(tab = enums.Tab.MEVA)

Selects the view to be shown when the display is switched on during remote control.

param tab

MEVA | OLTR Multi-evaluation - overview, OLTR view

set_rconfig(rconfig: RsCmwCdma2kMeas.enums.Rconfig)None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:CDMA:MEASurement<Instance>:RCONfig
driver.configure.set_rconfig(rconfig = enums.Rconfig.R12Q)
Selects the radio configuration which determines, for example, the modulation type.

INTRO_CMD_HELP: For the combined signal path scenario, use:

  • CONFigure:CDMA:SIGN<i>:PREConfigure:LAYer:RCONfig during no active call CONFigure:CDMA:SIGN<i>:LAYer:RCONfig during call established

  • CONFigure:CDMA:SIGN<i>:LAYer:MODulation

param rconfig

R12Q | R36H | R3Q R12Q: RC1 or 2 (O-QPSK) R36H: RC3 to 6 (H-PSK) R3Q: RC3 (QPSK)

Cloning the Group

# Create a clone of the original group, that exists independently
group2 = driver.configure.clone()
