
SCPI Commands

class RfSettings[source]

RfSettings commands group definition. 7 total commands, 0 Sub-groups, 7 group commands

# SCPI: CONFigure:CDMA:MEASurement<Instance>:RFSettings:BCLass
value: enums.BandClass = driver.configure.rfSettings.get_bclass()

Selects the band class (BC) . If the current center frequency (method RsCmwCdma2kMeas.Configure.RfSettings.frequency) is valid for this band class, the corresponding channel number (method RsCmwCdma2kMeas.Configure.RfSettings.channel) is also calculated and set. See also ‘Band Classes’. For the combined signal path scenario, useCONFigure:CDMA:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:BCLass.


band_class: USC | KCEL | NAPC | TACS | JTAC | KPCS | N45T | IM2K | NA7C | B18M | NA8S | PA4M | PA8M | IEXT | USPC | AWS | U25B | NA9C | PS7C | LO7C | LBANd | SBANd USC: BC 0, US-Cellular KCEL: BC 0, Korean Cellular NAPC: BC 1, North American PCS TACS: BC 2, TACS Band JTAC: BC 3, JTACS Band KPCS: BC 4, Korean PCS N45T: BC 5, NMT-450 IM2K: BC 6, IMT-2000 NA7C: BC 7, Upper 700 MHz B18M: BC 8, 1800 MHz Band NA9C: BC 9, North American 900 MHz NA8S: BC 10, Secondary 800 MHz PA4M: BC 11, European 400 MHz PAMR PA8M: BC 12, 800 MHz PAMR IEXT: BC 13, IMT-2000 2.5 GHz Extension USPC: BC 14, US PCS 1900 MHz AWS: BC 15, AWS Band U25B: BC 16, US 2.5 GHz Band PS7C: BC 18, Public Safety Band 700 MHz LO7C: BC 19, Lower 700 MHz LBAN: BC 20, L-Band SBAN: BC 21, S-Band

# SCPI: CONFigure:CDMA:MEASurement<Instance>:RFSettings:CHANnel
value: int = driver.configure.rfSettings.get_channel()

Selects the channel number. The channel number must be valid for the current band class, for dependencies see ‘Band Classes’. The corresponding center frequency (method RsCmwCdma2kMeas.Configure.RfSettings.frequency) is calculated and set. For the combined signal path scenario, useCONFigure:CDMA:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:CHANnel.


channel: integer Range: Depends on selected band class

# SCPI: CONFigure:CDMA:MEASurement<Instance>:RFSettings:EATTenuation
value: float = driver.configure.rfSettings.get_eattenuation()

Defines an external attenuation (or gain, if the value is negative) , to be applied to the input connector. For the combined signal path scenario, useCONFigure:CDMA:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:EATTenuation.


rf_input_ext_att: numeric Range: -50 dB to 90 dB, Unit: dB

# SCPI: CONFigure:CDMA:MEASurement<Instance>:RFSettings:ENPower
value: float = driver.configure.rfSettings.get_envelope_power()
Sets the expected nominal power of the measured RF signal.

INTRO_CMD_HELP: For the combined signal path scenario, use:

  • CONFigure:CDMA:SIGN<i>:RFPower:EPMode

  • CONFigure:CDMA:SIGN<i>:RFPower:MANual

  • CONFigure:CDMA:SIGN<i>:RFPower:EXPected


exp_nominal_power: numeric The range of the expected nominal power can be calculated as follows: Range (Expected Nominal Power) = Range (Input Power) + External Attenuation - User Margin The input power range is stated in the data sheet. Unit: dBm

# SCPI: CONFigure:CDMA:MEASurement<Instance>:RFSettings:FOFFset
value: float = driver.configure.rfSettings.get_foffset()

Selects a positive or negative offset frequency to be added to the center frequency (method RsCmwCdma2kMeas.Configure. RfSettings.frequency) . For the combined signal path scenario, useCONFigure:CDMA:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:FOFFset.


frequency_offset: numeric Range: -50 kHz to 50 kHz, Unit: Hz

# SCPI: CONFigure:CDMA:MEASurement<Instance>:RFSettings:FREQuency
value: float = driver.configure.rfSettings.get_frequency()

Selects the center frequency of the RF analyzer. If the center frequency is valid for the current band class, the corresponding channel number is also calculated and set.

INTRO_CMD_HELP: For the combined signal path scenario, use:

  • CONFigure:CDMA:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:RLFRequency

  • CONFigure:CDMA:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:FREQuency or

  • CONFigure:CDMA:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:CHANnel

The supported frequency range depends on the instrument model and the available options. The supported range can be smaller than stated here. Refer to the preface of your model-specific base unit manual.


frequency: numeric Range: 100 MHz to 6 GHz, Unit: Hz

# SCPI: CONFigure:CDMA:MEASurement<Instance>:RFSettings:UMARgin
value: float = driver.configure.rfSettings.get_umargin()

Sets the margin that the measurement adds to the expected nominal power to determine the reference power. The reference power minus the external input attenuation must be within the power range of the selected input connector. Refer to the data sheet.


user_margin: numeric Range: 0 dB to (55 dB + External Attenuation - Expected Nominal Power) , Unit: dB

set_bclass(band_class: RsCmwCdma2kMeas.enums.BandClass)None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:CDMA:MEASurement<Instance>:RFSettings:BCLass
driver.configure.rfSettings.set_bclass(band_class = enums.BandClass.AWS)

Selects the band class (BC) . If the current center frequency (method RsCmwCdma2kMeas.Configure.RfSettings.frequency) is valid for this band class, the corresponding channel number (method RsCmwCdma2kMeas.Configure.RfSettings.channel) is also calculated and set. See also ‘Band Classes’. For the combined signal path scenario, useCONFigure:CDMA:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:BCLass.

param band_class

USC | KCEL | NAPC | TACS | JTAC | KPCS | N45T | IM2K | NA7C | B18M | NA8S | PA4M | PA8M | IEXT | USPC | AWS | U25B | NA9C | PS7C | LO7C | LBANd | SBANd USC: BC 0, US-Cellular KCEL: BC 0, Korean Cellular NAPC: BC 1, North American PCS TACS: BC 2, TACS Band JTAC: BC 3, JTACS Band KPCS: BC 4, Korean PCS N45T: BC 5, NMT-450 IM2K: BC 6, IMT-2000 NA7C: BC 7, Upper 700 MHz B18M: BC 8, 1800 MHz Band NA9C: BC 9, North American 900 MHz NA8S: BC 10, Secondary 800 MHz PA4M: BC 11, European 400 MHz PAMR PA8M: BC 12, 800 MHz PAMR IEXT: BC 13, IMT-2000 2.5 GHz Extension USPC: BC 14, US PCS 1900 MHz AWS: BC 15, AWS Band U25B: BC 16, US 2.5 GHz Band PS7C: BC 18, Public Safety Band 700 MHz LO7C: BC 19, Lower 700 MHz LBAN: BC 20, L-Band SBAN: BC 21, S-Band

set_channel(channel: int)None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:CDMA:MEASurement<Instance>:RFSettings:CHANnel
driver.configure.rfSettings.set_channel(channel = 1)

Selects the channel number. The channel number must be valid for the current band class, for dependencies see ‘Band Classes’. The corresponding center frequency (method RsCmwCdma2kMeas.Configure.RfSettings.frequency) is calculated and set. For the combined signal path scenario, useCONFigure:CDMA:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:CHANnel.

param channel

integer Range: Depends on selected band class

set_eattenuation(rf_input_ext_att: float)None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:CDMA:MEASurement<Instance>:RFSettings:EATTenuation
driver.configure.rfSettings.set_eattenuation(rf_input_ext_att = 1.0)

Defines an external attenuation (or gain, if the value is negative) , to be applied to the input connector. For the combined signal path scenario, useCONFigure:CDMA:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:EATTenuation.

param rf_input_ext_att

numeric Range: -50 dB to 90 dB, Unit: dB

set_envelope_power(exp_nominal_power: float)None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:CDMA:MEASurement<Instance>:RFSettings:ENPower
driver.configure.rfSettings.set_envelope_power(exp_nominal_power = 1.0)
Sets the expected nominal power of the measured RF signal.

INTRO_CMD_HELP: For the combined signal path scenario, use:

  • CONFigure:CDMA:SIGN<i>:RFPower:EPMode

  • CONFigure:CDMA:SIGN<i>:RFPower:MANual

  • CONFigure:CDMA:SIGN<i>:RFPower:EXPected

param exp_nominal_power

numeric The range of the expected nominal power can be calculated as follows: Range (Expected Nominal Power) = Range (Input Power) + External Attenuation - User Margin The input power range is stated in the data sheet. Unit: dBm

set_foffset(frequency_offset: float)None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:CDMA:MEASurement<Instance>:RFSettings:FOFFset
driver.configure.rfSettings.set_foffset(frequency_offset = 1.0)

Selects a positive or negative offset frequency to be added to the center frequency (method RsCmwCdma2kMeas.Configure. RfSettings.frequency) . For the combined signal path scenario, useCONFigure:CDMA:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:FOFFset.

param frequency_offset

numeric Range: -50 kHz to 50 kHz, Unit: Hz

set_frequency(frequency: float)None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:CDMA:MEASurement<Instance>:RFSettings:FREQuency
driver.configure.rfSettings.set_frequency(frequency = 1.0)

Selects the center frequency of the RF analyzer. If the center frequency is valid for the current band class, the corresponding channel number is also calculated and set.

INTRO_CMD_HELP: For the combined signal path scenario, use:

  • CONFigure:CDMA:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:RLFRequency

  • CONFigure:CDMA:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:FREQuency or

  • CONFigure:CDMA:SIGN<i>:RFSettings:CHANnel

The supported frequency range depends on the instrument model and the available options. The supported range can be smaller than stated here. Refer to the preface of your model-specific base unit manual.

param frequency

numeric Range: 100 MHz to 6 GHz, Unit: Hz

set_umargin(user_margin: float)None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:CDMA:MEASurement<Instance>:RFSettings:UMARgin
driver.configure.rfSettings.set_umargin(user_margin = 1.0)

Sets the margin that the measurement adds to the expected nominal power to determine the reference power. The reference power minus the external input attenuation must be within the power range of the selected input connector. Refer to the data sheet.

param user_margin

numeric Range: 0 dB to (55 dB + External Attenuation - Expected Nominal Power) , Unit: dB