
SCPI Commands

class Ginterval[source]

Ginterval commands group definition. 2 total commands, 0 Sub-groups, 2 group commands

# SCPI: CONFigure:CDMA:MEASurement<Instance>:OLTR:GINTerval:TIME
value: float = driver.configure.oltr.ginterval.get_time()

Gets the duration of the guard intervals, i.e. the intervals succeeding the OLTR evaluation intervals and preceding the reference power intervals.


guard_interval: Range: 0 ms to 100 ms

# SCPI: CONFigure:CDMA:MEASurement<Instance>:OLTR:GINTerval
value: int = driver.configure.oltr.ginterval.get_value()

Defines the duration of the guard intervals, i.e. the intervals succeeding the OLTR evaluation intervals and preceding the reference power intervals.


guard_interval: integer The duration of the guard interval as number of power control groups (1.25 ms) . Range: 0 to 80

set_value(guard_interval: int)None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:CDMA:MEASurement<Instance>:OLTR:GINTerval
driver.configure.oltr.ginterval.set_value(guard_interval = 1)

Defines the duration of the guard intervals, i.e. the intervals succeeding the OLTR evaluation intervals and preceding the reference power intervals.

param guard_interval

integer The duration of the guard interval as number of power control groups (1.25 ms) . Range: 0 to 80